Kindly read our FAQs ("Tutorials") before submitting appraisals or inquiries!

We are the only N.Y. traveling dealer with A.N.A. Life Membership, U.S.P.A.P. Ethics, and I.R.S. standards.

Family-friendly appraisals, complimentary for small collections. SHIP INSURED FOR AN OFFER!

Kindly read our FAQs ("Tutorials") before submitting appraisals or inquiries!

We are the only N.Y. traveling dealer with A.N.A. Life Membership, U.S.P.A.P. Ethics, and I.R.S. standards.

Family-friendly appraisals, complimentary for small collections. SHIP INSURED FOR AN OFFER!

Call Today  •  (914) 649-3317  •  (833) THE-COIN  •  (833) 843-2646


Send a photo of your item or collection for a free online appraisal. You may even decide to sell us your coin or other item when you find out what it is and what it's worth!



We kindly ask you to limit your request to ONE item, preferably with images of both sides. We specialize in items that are older and of some historic importance. Please include photos of both sides if possible.

We may use your appraisal on our site as reference for others with the same item(s). We'll never display your personal information and will remove all sensitive information from your submission. Please contact us for a private appraisal. View our privacy policy.

Most inquiries we get are about circulated coins made after 1971, and/or coins where people mistake post-mint damage and wear for "errors". You can expect us to affirm these are face value. We ask that before you write and submit such questions, to PLEASE first read through our existing postings and our "what it's worth" primers.

Photo Criteria: Acceptable photo formats are gif, jpg, and png and no larger than 15 MB. If you are using an iPhone, make sure that the photo is not set to LIVE, as this format will be not be uploaded. 

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D. Oregon State quarter with no ridges and a circle on the back

Kindly note the following, top center on our home page: “Click on WHAT'S MY TREASURE WORTH, published answers, or menus above for quick values. (FOR "ERROR" COINS, VARIETIES & COINS AFTER 1970, KINDLY DO THIS FIRST & READ OUR APPRAISAL CRITERIA!) ...

D. Both sides appear to have mint damage.

Poor little mint. Everybody blames it for the damage that took place after Coins left it.

D. This is a 2007 s mint Jefferson dollar. Has edge letters but if not smooth has raised edges where die cast where. And u can see copper and zinc on the edge. Like regular coin Also doesn't feel like the same weight as a normal coin any idea if it's worth any thing. Ty for your time

Kindly note the following, top center on our home page: “Click on WHAT'S MY TREASURE WORTH, published answers, or menus above for quick values. (FOR "ERROR" COINS, VARIETIES & COINS AFTER 1970, KINDLY DO THIS FIRST & READ OUR APPRAISAL CRITERIA!) ...

D. Yes I sent an appraisal in yesterday but I did I've been taking a closer look at it and I uploaded the pictures to you you can see it's been double struck and it just covered with that marks most everywhere you look when you shift it in the light anyway thank you for your time appreciate if you give me give me your thoughts onit

AGAIN: The only double die of interest to us in less than uncirculated is the 1955. We just don't see it. If it's of interest to you that's great. What we see is a common coin in average condition worth about $25. Asking repeatedly does not change that.

D. 1958 wheat penny Shines like a dime, not steel.

Probably a zinc coating, someone's science project. You can do this by boiling it in sodium hydroxide concentrate and then adding zinc powder.

D. 1990 quarter

Damaged, face value.

D. Indianhead coin with number stamped

Stamp or not, worth about a dollar retail.

Rare Coin and Currency Consulting

We identify items, determine value, and even make an offer on the spot. We can help you decide what to sell, put at auction, or hold for investment.

Or call us now to discuss your items
(914) 649-3317 (833) THE-COIN (833) 843-2646
